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game changer 2.0 - The day of the axe
The second chapter of game changer was intented to be played only once. A one-time celebration where we announced and gave the first edition of the Axe-award.
Makers and performers: Tamara Zsófia Vadas, Csaba Molnár, Imre Vass and Márton Gláser, Adél Juhász, Imola Kacsó, Luca Kancsó, Eva Mora, Réka Oberfrank, Gergely Ofner, Balázs Oláh, Zsófia Szász, Veronika Szabó, Lili Raubinek, Júlia Vavra, Máté Váth
Lights: Kata Dézsi
Sound: Andárs Molnár
Production Partner: Katlan Csoport
Coproduction partner: Trafó House of Contemporary Arts
Support: Ministry of Human Capacities, National Cultural Fund of Hungary, ART QUarter Budapest, Staféta Project, Füge Productions
photos: Gergely Ofner

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