taking place
taking place tries to stay close to the present moment as much as it can. It takes place. It takes place from space as much as it weights. How much does a movement, a position or a gesture weights? What kind of trace a movement or an action leaves in space?
Moving bodies carving their (non)personal(?) stories in the spacetime continuum.
The mind combines, links, explains, interprets, narrates, endows with meaning, etc. taking place offers still images, fragments of stories and scenes to give job to the mind. But are we what we think? Are we obsessed by our own truths and narratives? Is there a difference between what we see and what we tell ourselves we see?
Concept, direction: Imre Vass
Performers, collaborators: Viktor Szeri, Tamara Vadas Zsófia, Imre Vass
Sound, Music: Dávid Somló
Lights: Kata Dézsi
Production Partner: Katlan Csoport
Support: EMMI, NKA, MU Theater, Új Előadóművészeti Alapítvány, SÍN Culture Centre, Workshop Foundation
“The text accompanying the scenarios of the latest piece by Imre Vass seems to penetrate our skulls and read our most secret, unspoken thoughts. He asks and answers questions, both simple and complicated, that could puzzle each and every one of us when encountering a non-traditional (dance) performance. He thinks with our minds, watches with our eyes and listens with our ears, yet he also gently puts everything back into place: he steers us towards proper perception and declares war on prejudices and preconceptions. Taking Place is actually two plays in one: both sides of right and wrong, a series of statements and related comments. Two approaches, two visions: the piece simultaneously exists both as an abstract concept work that takes itself seriously and remains under the spell of incomprehensibleness, and as an act that observes, defines, explains, questions and provokes itself from the outside. A theatrical piece that analyses, criticizes and occasionally (if only verbally) even eliminates itself."